Think of Tomorrow
On my way home I bumped into a friend. After the usual greetings I asked her if she would join us in couple of days to go to the seaside. She said that she wouldn’t enjoy going by herself without any partner! I tried to cheer her up and ask her to come and see how it goes, I told her that I would be pleased if she wants to stay with me and my family. But she was too upset….
This short conversation took me a little while back, which I am going to tell you about!! We take everything in life for granted. Never think of losing them or appreciate and value them while they are with us! This very friend had a husband and a kid. One day when we were talking she told me that she wants to enjoy herself. She wants to spend the money she earns and doesn’t like to save anything, because her husband is providing for her! I told her that it is true but we need to think of tomorrow as there is no one in this country to support us if something goes wrong! She said that nothing would go wrong. It wasn’t long after that, that her hubby fell in love with another woman, divorced her, and married the other one. My friends kid was from a previous marriage and she could no longer afford to look after him and had to send the kid to his grandmother back in their country. She lost her home, husband, and kid in the blink of an eye! As she didn’t have any savings, she had to rely on her friends for living for a little while until she got on to her feet! Now she is all alone by herself!
Saying all this, I really do feel for her, and I wish none of these had happened to her, but again it reminds me that DON”T TAKE ANYTHING IN LIFE FOR GRANTED! And THINK OF TOMORROW TOO!
Remember happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think
By My World, at 12:49 PM
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