My World

Friday, November 17, 2006

Persistence pays always!

When my son was in primary school, he missed the chance of taking the entry exam for 11 plus exam, so he never knew that if he really could pass the exam and join the Grammar school in his secondary years. My initial unfamiliarity with the education system in the UK and uncertainty about the length of our stay took away this opportunity from him.

When he had to attend a state school, I was unhappy with myself and I tried to see if there was anything else I could do. But the resources I looked to for information were not the correct ones, and then I washed my hands of it.

He studied the first year in the school. It was not as bad as I thought. His teachers all realized that he is a clever and intelligent boy and in some subjects they tired to work with him more than the others. He did really well and in some subjects like maths and geography he won prizes.

One day I was on the Internet and comparing the different schools results on their GCSE exams that by accident I came across this website explaining about an entry exam for 12 plus. I immediately contacted the admin and asked for more information. I found out that my son still could attend the entry exam for grammar school. I wrote down what and when I needed to apply for the exam.

It was in March 2005 that I had all the necessary documents and my son’s school results to send to the education department and wait for their reply. It was end of May that I received a letter from them confirming a date for the exam.

The big day came and we went there. I wished him all the best and left him to do his exam while my heart was filled with hope for his success. In mid august we received the results, they were excellent and I couldn’t ask for more. He had scored higher that even selective ones. But the bad news was that unfortunately there was no free space on any grammar school in the borough I had applied for. We could appeal against the decision but I did not do it. I felt that there was no reason that he would be accepted if there were no vacancies. At this stage what made me happy was that my son had his confident back. He found out that he was capable of passing the exam with no problem at all. The exam was not an easy one. I knew lots of parents who cared about their children’s education had few private tutors teach them maths, science and few other subjects just to help their children to reach a level to pass the exam. And here we go, my son was intelligent enough to pass it with his own efforts only. I was very happy and proud of him, he was too- rightly so.

It was the first of November 2006 and I was on my team away day when my mobile rang around half past two. I couldn’t answer it as I was in a session and not able to answer it. It rang again around half four, I asked for permission and left the session to answer it. It was a lady from bexley admin telling me that there was a vacancy in the grammar school of his choice. I was over the moon. I did not know how to thank her for giving me this good news. After that I quickly called home and passed the good news to my son. His innocent voice became so delightful and said “ how great Mummy”.

I had to contact the school and arrange a day for pre- induction and 13th November was decided for him to start the new school.

Today is 15th November and he has gone to his new school for two days.

I knew that “persistence pays always” but I have my son to thank for all his hard work, commitment and his dedication to his education and being a real sweetie for me. I just want him to know that I will be there for him in every step of his life whenever he needs me. All my prayers and blessings will be with him all the way …


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